Thursday, November 22, 2012

So Much to be Thankful For...

When I got off work today, I scooped Belize up and we made the 45 minute drive to my Aunt's house for Thanksgiving dinner.  I did not know if it was too much too soon, but I did not want to leave her crated all day either.  We decided that if it was overwhelming we could give her a quiet room to herself while the family hung out.  There was absolutely no need to worry!  She was in heaven.

I was under the impression there would only be one, very laid back, dog there, but there were multiple.  Belize did great.  No one ran around and played, but they kindly shared the space, water, attention, and occasional treats.  One little chihuahua was not happy to see another larger dog and would nip at Belize's face.  It did not make her happy, but she handled it very well and was able to continue being around the adorable, lovable, little brat.  She was supervised closely, but I was so very proud of her.



She loved the human family, and she quickly became bonded with the youngest one there.  He was in love with her too, and it was amazing to watch them interact.


She did "steal" some food from my grandmother, which is not cool.  At my house, she does not get any human food or table scraps, but she got a lot tonight so I am going to need to make sure to get her back on the right training path.  My family could not resist slipping her tasty morsels here and there.  My cousin caught this picture.    I know it is terrible, but I couldn't help but smile in the end anyway.  I thought, in many ways, it was more important for her to have so many positive experiences with so many people of different ages.  She seemed so happy---though she may not be now.  She was very gassy on the way home!  Tonight was not a big training night, but it was an awesome night none the less.



Belize slept hard on the way home, and I think I will sleep well tonight too.  It is going to be really hard to let this girl go, but I know that she cannot have the life she deserves with me so I am reluctantly putting her up for adoption.  Please share her story with your friends!

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