This little peanut wanted to be a part of the action all day. I cannot wait until I put a little more weight on her and give her vaccinations some more time to kick in so I can start taking her out with me to have some real fun! In the meantime, she helped me clean. We found this little Santa hat. I have no idea where it came from, but she thought it was a toy. She was particularly invested in organizing the hall closet.
Then we had to sort out her room.
Excuse the mess in the background. I have a book problem I am trying to work out. I put a bunch of fluffy beds and an assortment of toys in her crate. All that is needed now, is a blanket to cover it and some water, but Belize is quite clearly telling me that she would rather not be crated at all. She is getting much better about it. When I first got her, you would not believe the tantrums she threw. I can now get her to walk in by saying "in your crate" and, while she howls and throws a fit at first, she does calm down and fall asleep. As long as she does not have to be in it too long, she is practically perfect. She needs to go home with someone who does not crate or who will not leave her in there too long (she is fine while I am at work--I am full-time). She no longer has accidents in her crate and seeks it out for security now, though she is not in need of security often. She seems pretty comfortable.
She mostly lounges around, while I blog and plot her adoption. She loves attention and enjoys walks around the yard. She enjoys toys from time to time, but she is not obsessed with them. Same with treats. She picks up on training quickly, and she already knows sit and down. We are working on leave it. When she first gets out of her crate/meets new people she jumps and, unfortunately, nips a bit, but she is already learning that it does not pay off. Several trainers have suggested that she just has not had the chance to learn manners, and they have given me great tips on how to help her learn. Like a fish to water. She stops doing all of that mess quickly, and I am sure we will be able to be able to put a stop to it quickly. In a home where she did not have to be rotated in and out for attention, I do not think it would be a problem at all.
She loves car rides, and she just lays down from point A to point B without any problems. She has met four other dogs and has done will with them. One of the dogs she met was unsure of her and so she was unsure of her too, but they both handled it by having repeated, curious greetings. It seems to me like she just needs some guidance and positive interactions to feel good with others. The other three more laid back dogs were very exciting for her.
She has a healthy appetite, and she is putting on much needed weight, but she has no problem with me taking away her food. She would rather have my attention anyway.
I have only had this beautiful girl 8 days, and she has already proven herself to be a wonderful, loyal, and loving companion for some lucky person. If you or anyone you know is interested in adopting this baby please contact me right away. Please cross-post and share. Belize needs your continued help and dedication.